623107, Russia, Sverdvovskaya olblast, Pervouralsk, 24 Furmanova str.
If you want to order or have any questions?
Director General
Solodovnikov Alexei Vladimirovich
Director of production
Popov Igor Georgievich
Accounting department
Gupalov Boris Alekseevich
Chief accountant
Shalygo Galina Vladimirovna
Accounting department
tel. +7 (343) 304-64-64 extension: 712 - work with suppliers; extension: 711, 710 - work with buyers
Sales department
Director of sales Department
Kuznetsov Anatoliy Sergeevich
Chassis Division
tel. +7 (343) 304-64-64 extension: 600, 613; 611
Department of oilfield equipment
tel. +7 (343) 304-64-64 extension: 517; 514; 513; 511; 510; 515
Plastic tanks and pipes
tel. +7 (343) 304-64-64 extension: 312
Supply department
Director of supply
Yusupov Roman Enverovich
tel. +7 (343) 304-64-64 extension: 411, 410, 412
Department of human resources
Human resources director
Tumanova Lyubov Valerevna
Human resources manager
Popova Yuliya Alekseevna
tel. +7 (343) extension: 910
tel. +7 (343) extension: 910